
Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.

We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.


Game of the Five Animals

“The game of the five animals” (Chinese: Wu Qin Xi; also “the art of the five animals”), is an old gymnastic movement system, which goes back to the doctor Hua Tuo from the 2nd century. It is one of the old forms of Qigong and is based on imitations of animals, which represent archetypal human powers: Tiger, monkey, deer, bear and crane. The aim of the exercise is to connect with the respective animal and its power and to express it. In addition, the animals are assigned bodily functions (lungs, stomach, liver, kidney, heart), which are supported by the exercise.

Gestalt therapy

Gestalt therapy is a psychotherapeutic method that goes back to Fritz and Laura Perls and Paul Goodman. Work is done on the concrete, current situation, whereby the therapist sees them self as a companion who gives feedback and suggests certain techniques. One of the best known is the so-called “empty chair”, onto which the client can project certain parts of their personality, emotions, memories, other people, etc. and make contact with them. The goal of Gestalt therapy is to bring automated behavioral patterns into consciousness and to enable decisions to be made.

Gregorian chant

Gregorian chant is traditional liturgical church chant in Latin, which in the broadest sense goes back to Pope Gregory the Great (6th century). The chant, which follows certain ritualized melodic patterns, is unanimous and unaccompanied in its original form. It has a strong meditative effect and can still be found today mainly as monastic chant.